<<Si he logrado ver más lejos, ha sido porque me he subido a hombros de gigantes>> (Isaac Newton)








Mathematics for Academic Studies 4º E.S.O.

Last updated 23 Enero, 2023

Real numbers Operations with fractions. Hierarchy. Representation and comparison of fractions. Classification of real numbers. Intervals. Aproximations and errors.
Powers Laws and operations with powers. Scientific notation.
Radicals Definition of nth root. Powers of fractional exponents. Equivalent roots. Simplification of roots. Properties of radicals. Rationalizing denominators.
Logarithms Definition of base-a logarithm. Common and natural logarithms. Logarithmic calculus: logarithm of a product, quotient, power and root. Exercises (with solutions).
Equations and simultaneous equations 1st degree equations and systems of equations. 2nd degree equations. Biquadratic equations. Irrational equations. Systems of 2nd degree equations.
Polynomials and algebraic fractions Operations with polynomials. Notable products. Power of a binomial: the binomial theorem. Division of P(x) by x-a: Ruffini's rule. Polynomial remainder theorem. Factorization of polynomials using Ruffini's rule. Simplification of algebraic fractions. Operations with algebraic fractions.
Inequations 1st degree inequations. 2nd degree inequations. Systems of linear inequalities in one variable. Rational inequations.
Trigonometry Degrees and radians. Definition of the trigonometric ratios. Use of the calculator for Trigonometry: inverse trigonometric ratios. Trigonometric ratios of 30º, 45º & 60º. Trigonometric identities. Resolution of triangles (right-angled & oblique triangles). Finding the sine and cosine on the unit circle. Trigonometric ratios in 4 quadrants. Historical overview on Trigonometry. Exercises (with solutions).
Vectors Definitions: length and direction of a vector, zero vector, opposite vector, etc. Vectors in component form. Operations on vectors: sum, difference, scalar multiplication, linear combination. Length of a vector. Straight lines and vectors.. Exercises (with solutions).
Functions Concept of function. Graph of a function. Domain of the most common functions. Properties deduced from the graph of a function: continuity, symmetry, increasing intervals, M & m, intersection points with the axes. Straight lines review. Parabola. Hyperbola. Piecewise functions. 60 exercises (with solutions).
Statistics Frequencies and tables, statistical graphs, central and dispersion parameters, etc. 24 exercises (with solutions).
Probability Definitions. Types of events. operations with events: U and ∩. Laws of the operations among events. Laplace’s Rule. Laws of probability: probability of the U of two mutually exclusive events, probability of the complementary events, probability of the U of two non-mutually exclusive events. Compound events: tree diagrams. Probability of independent & dependent events. ANEX I: Vocabulary about probability. ANEX II: Steps required to solve probability problems. Exercises (with solutions).


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